
Students in Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 programs are required to purchase a laptop 通过东南理工. 这些程序需要使用高端笔记本电脑和软件. 你购买的笔记本电脑将基于你的专业. 



For students in Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 programs in Engineering Technology 和机电一体化.
惠普ProBook 465 G11
For students in Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 programs in 信息rmation Technology.
MacBook Pro
For students in 数字媒体制作技术 and 媒体设计技术.
CPU 英特尔酷睿5 125H AMD Ryzen 5 7535U 苹果M3 Pro芯片
内存 32GB (1x32GB) ddr55600 16GB (1x16GB) DDR5 4800 18GB
硬盘 512GB PCIe NVMe SSD 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD 512gb SSD
电池 6 Cell 76 WHr长寿命电池 3 Cell 56whr长寿命电池 内置锂聚合物- 100瓦时
网络 英特尔Wi-Fi 6E AX211带蓝牙 联发科Wi-Fi 6E带蓝牙 Wi-Fi 6E带蓝牙
视频卡 Nvidia RTX a500 (4gb gddr6) AMD Radeon显卡 苹果M3 Pro芯片
显示 16" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 16“WUXGA (1920 x 1200)触摸屏 16英寸视网膜显示器
保修 三年零件和劳动用 limited 意外损坏 protection. 电池 从购买之日起3年保修期. 三年零件和劳动用 limited 意外损坏 protection. 电池 从购买之日起3年保修期. 三年零件和劳动用 意外损坏. 电池 a 3-year 保修 from the purchase date from Apple.
价格 $1,410 $1,070 $2,800
  • 建筑工程技术
  • 土木工程及科技*
  • 土地测量及科学技术*
  • 机械工程技术*
  • 计算机技术人员
  • 系统与网络安全*
  • 机电一体化技术*
  • 数字媒体制作技术
  • 媒体设计技术

*All students receiving Build Dakota 奖学金 will be required to purchase a Southeast 适合他们项目的高科技笔记本电脑. 这笔费用作为奖学金的一部分支付.


Incoming students in Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 programs will be automatically 为专业所需的笔记本电脑买单. 笔记本电脑的全额购买价格 will be billed in the first semester, and any excess 金融援助 a student has received 将适用于笔记本电脑的成本. 学生将收到他们的东南 JumpStart的科技笔记本电脑. 笔记本电脑将被预先配置以包含该软件 学生所选专业所必需的. 如果学生开始上课 the summer, they will be able to bring their own laptops 夏季学期 or rent 东南理工大学的笔记本电脑. 新的笔记本电脑无法购买 夏季学期.


Southeast Tech laptops come with a 3 year manufacturer 保修 to cover parts and 生产厂家缺陷或机械故障时的人工. 在3年期间, 我的.T. 支持中心 will provide complete hardware 保修 support for the original purchaser of laptops purchased 通过东南理工, regardless of current enrollment 状态. Students are responsible for repair charges not covered under the manufacturer 保修.

当学生注册时,I.T. 支持中心也将提供完整的软件 支持包括病毒和恶意软件删除. 在学生毕业或终止学业之后 注册,有限的软件支持是可用的. 这包括重新加载原始 software from the manufacturer or assisting with updated driver installations. 

Loaner laptops are available free of charge for currently enrolled Southeast Tech 而他们的笔记本电脑在学校.T. 服务支持中心.


A stolen laptop is a criminal offense and must be reported immediately to law enforcement 和东南科技信息技术. 我的.T. 支持中心将提供序列号 笔记本电脑被盗学生的号码和型号. 学生必须 去警察局完成一份盗窃报告. 报告号码和警察 报告归档的部门必须提供给I.T. 支持中心. Students will be responsible for any remaining payments under the Conditional Sales Agreement, and will also need to work with their instructors and 我的.T. 支持 Center to ensure that they still meet the requirements 的ir programs. 因为损失 and theft are not covered under the manufacturer 保修, Southeast Tech highly recommends that students insure their laptop against loss or theft, which can usually be done 通过房主或房客的保险政策.



No. 购买东南理工笔记本电脑的学生将完成一份 附条件买卖协议. This is the best way to address software license requirements for student laptops. Southeast Tech enters into license agreements with software vendors to provide software 我们的学生访问. 协议允许使用软件的速度是 is far below what students would pay if they purchased the software on their own. Under the software license agreements, software must be installed on a computer owned 东南科技. 因此,有条件销售协议规定 ownership 的 laptop remains with Southeast Tech until the conditions 的 contract 得到满足.

No, the laptop cannot be returned unless the student drops all their courses during the initial add/drop period for the term in which they purchased the laptop. 在那 case, the student must return the laptop in like-new condition prior to the end of 所有光盘、手册和附件的添加/删除周期. 如果学生退学 enrollment or withdraws after the initial add/drop period, he or she must contact 我的.T. 支持中心 to have Southeast Tech licensed 软件删除 per the terms 的 附条件买卖协议.

No. 学生必须与东南理工学院联系.T. 支持中心按条款 the 附条件买卖协议 to remove Southeast Tech licensed software and to complete the official bill of sale to transfer ownership 的 laptop to themselves. The original operating system that the laptop had when received from the manufacturer 仍将是. Students will have 2 weeks after their last class to have Southeast Tech 软件删除. 如果不删除该软件,学生的 帐户,他们将被联系到 安排 在软件失效前将其删除.

If you are the original owner 的 laptop purchased from Southeast Tech, the laptop is still under 保修 and the laptop is currently supported for use in your program, 东南科技将根据需要安装特定程序的软件.  

No. Students who are enrolled in less than six credits at Southeast Tech are not required to purchase a laptop, even if they are in a Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 program. The students will need to determine their individual needs in order to meet their 课程要求. Depending on the courses, the students may choose to rent a Southeast 这学期的科技笔记本电脑.

是的. However, all students enrolled in a Southeast Tech 包括笔记本电脑 program will 将自动充电并获得东南科技笔记本电脑一台. 东南科技的 laptops will provide access to all necessary program software and be pre-configured 根据学生的专业. 东南科技的授权软件无法安装 不是从东南理工直接购买的笔记本电脑.